1 : Developing a vision and a mission
The aim of a MISSION
STATEMENT is to specify the purpose
of the organization, the phylosophy and values
that guide it, and the scope of the business.
The Mission is the Top
management's view of what the organization
seeks to do and become over the long term.
must be :
Sources :
Gaining and Soustaining Competitive Advantage, Jay. B. Barney, Addison-Wesley, 1997
Contemporary Strategic Analysis, Robert M. Grant, 3th edition, Blackwell, 1998
Strategic Management, Raphael Amit, Professor at Wharton University of Pennsylvania, US
Strategy formulation and implementation : Tasks of the General Manager, by Arthur A. Thompson, Jr & A.J. Strickland III, 1992
(c) Bernard Jaquier, Professor in Economics and
Finance, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 2020